Reproductive Health Alliance 

A redesign of the Minnesota nonprofit reproductive health alliance. This nonprofit is like an umbrella and it is made up of all other nonprofits in Minnesota that do work for reproductive health. For this rebrand I wanted to add life into this organization. Using vibrant colors and symbolic patterns. Creating a space were anyone and everyone could go to and learn more about reproductive health and the other affiliated organizations. 


Selected Works

Produce ProfileAugmented Reality App

Suds & SmilesProduct Design

Cocktail SemioticCocktail Recipe Cards

Bent Paddle THC MocktailConcept Can Design

The Journey of Making WIneCut Out Animation


Divine AlpineCrystal Website

Boulder Brew BashGraghic Design 1: Event Promotion

Music Expressed through TypographyUsing the song All These Things Done by the killers

FairytailCollage Storytime

Bamboo BirdsnestCreating and Prototyping a Website

Reproductive Health AllianceRe-Brand & Website Design

Copyright © Avery Shoemaker