Produce Profile 

This is Produce Profile, the concept is being able to use your phone to scan produce and see the diffrent ripeness levels. Enabling you to be more educated about the produce you are buying as well as being able to track the ripness. Also having recipes to use your produce when ripe and past its peak, learning how to store produce and different ways of disposing of it. 

Time Stamps:

Login function from 0:00-0:19            

To see the scanning function scrub to 0:19              

To see how to import a photo scrub to 1:00

To see the pantry function scrub to  1:34

To see the saved recipes function scrub to 2:04          

To see the saved recipes function scrub to 2:29

A Gardener 

A Child Making a Smoothie 

A College Student Shopping for Groceries

Display of the dynamic gradient 


App Icon and Specs


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Copyright © Avery Shoemaker