Bamboo Birdsnest

Firefly Eco Lodge was thought up by Rainy. She came to Bali and leased out this land and has been building and expanding over the past few years. She wanted to combine Balinese construction with her love for DIY and repurposing. She uses recycled materials to create the sounds of nature and make you feel one with your surroundings. You can stay here and feel immersed in the culture, get to know like-minded travelers and explore the nature and city around you.

Design Statement  

The start website I first had to establish a name, color scheme and logo. For the logo I was inspired by the name and location of where people would be visiting, a birds nest. I then pulled colors from variety of photographs and decided to primarily use a light blue and tan. They are subtle enough colors that they don't stand out while scrolling through the website but rather complement the content around it. The website is layout in an eye catching and easy to read format, as you scroll there is information clearly layout and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It was important to me to add a variety of interactive elements throughout my website. When you are scrolling there is more detailed information and more exiting things to see. 

Overview of the site


For this interactive element I made it so you can view three reviews written throughout the past few years. The you can click on "more reviews" and read about more peoples experiences staying at the Bamboo Birdsnest.  


As you scroll on you view a collage of a few photographs highlighting the birds nest and the different amenities on the grounds. To view more you can click on the "more photos" button and scroll to see a gallery of even more beautiful photographs.  


Below is a more in depth video on the different amenities this location has and doesn't have. Taking you through the different amenities as well as the icons that match them. 

Here is a closer look of all the icons I designed.



For this interactive element I wanted to make it detailed and color coordinated. So all of the information stays clear as you click through the different places to go throughout town and outside of town. I made it so that you can be on any location and click on any other location and be able to view it seamlessly. 


Selected Works

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Boulder Brew BashGraghic Design 1: Event Promotion

Music Expressed through TypographyUsing the song All These Things Done by the killers

FairytailCollage Storytime

Bamboo BirdsnestCreating and Prototyping a Website

Reproductive Health AllianceRe-Brand & Website Design

Copyright © Avery Shoemaker